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Raspberry Pi Stock Levels & Limits

Stock of Raspberry Pi is constrained at the moment for multiple reasons (silicon shortage, flooding, fire, wars, high demand, international logistics issues).

Q. Do you have the Raspberry Pi 4 (nGB) in stock?

If it is available for purchase on our website, it is in stock. If it is unavailable for purchase on our website, you might find the product you're looking for in a Raspberry Pi 4 Kit.

Q. Do you have the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W in stock?

If it is up on our site, we have it in stock, if not, you may be able to get it as a kit.

Alternatively, you might want to instead use the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (with headers).

Q. When will you get more Raspberry Pi 4 (nGB) or Raspberry Pi Zero 2 in stock?

We don't have an ETA at this time. We have multiple orders with our suppliers and they have not shipped yet.

Q, Can I preorder a Raspberry Pi?

Because of the above uncertainty, we don’t feel comfortable taking preorders at this time. There is also a more practical limitation to doing this with many payment gateways requiring order fulfilment within a certain period of time from the transaction taking place.

Q. What ordering limits do you have?

We the following ordering limits: 

  • We don't accept orders from competitors/resellers/scalpers at this time.
  • All Raspberry Pis have a limit of 1 per person, with the following exceptions: 
    • Multiple units may be purchased as kits.
    • Multiple Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WH may be purchased.

Q. I can't add a product to the cart or proceed to checkout

The product has either "gone out of stock", or is being purchased in a manner consistent with those of resellers / scalpers and automatically blocked. This is an automatic process and our customer service agents cannot provide further details.