WiFi modules that don't require soldering.

Dalia Asks:

I recently ordered a wifi module from Little Bird to go with my Raspberry Pi Pico, but I didn't realise at the time that it was only suitable for connecting to a pcb board. I have since ordered an ESP8266 from Jaycar, but that requires pins to be soldered on, which I can't do. So I'm hoping to find a wireless module, which will allow me to transmit data across a serial connection from the pico, and then send the data to a server for processing. I have previously done this using an ESP8266 chip, but I don't have access to a soldering iron anymore, so I need one that already comes with pins attached. Do you have any products that would be suitable for this purpose?

Thank you in advance for your help!

The Answer:

Hi Dalia,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We have a heap of wireless options that would be suitable for your purpose.

The most popular option is the NodeMCU Board ESP8266 Wifi Module CP2102 ESP-12E LUA Wifi, which can be found here: ttps://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/products/nodemcu-board-esp8266-wifi-module-cp2102-esp-12e-lua-wifi

If you search "ESP" on our website, you'll find all of the options we have available: https://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/products?q=esp 

Please let us know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else we can help with.

Thank you for your interest in our products.


Little Bird